New #Office! We have #relocated and finally settled into our new office!
#CertifyingSolutions is now located at 68 Orlando Road #Lambton, #Newcastle #NSW.
Come and say hello!
Our office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
We can be contacted on (02) 4910 0682 or
#Thankyou to everybody who helped us with the transition into our new office - to our suppliers #OASTechnology, #TOTTechnology, #OwenSigns, #DuncanKerrElectrical, #NLCE and #KeystoneLawyers for assisting in a speedy #relocation.
Also featured in this issue:
Certifying Solutions' 2nd #Birthday
Join our team! Upcoming #positionsavailable
Donate to Benny's House
And more
Checkout the latest #newsletter here:
